Closing Thoughts (16:1-24)
16:1-4 The Collection for the Jewish-Christians in Jerusalem
16:5-18 Travel Updates
16:19-24 Farewell
This final section of Paul's letter consists of information about the collection being taken up for the church in Jerusalem, updates on travel plans of Paul and the brothers, and some final greetings.
The purpose of the collection may have been two-fold. First, by having a largely Gentile church give free-will offerings to the largely (or exclusively) Jewish church, Paul was hoping that the Gentile church would recognize the important role of Judaism within the Christian faith. Second, by having the Jewish church of Jerusalem receive free-will offerings from the largely Gentiles churches around the world, Paul was hoping the Jewish Christians would have their hearts warmed and consider the Gentile Christians truly their brothers and sisters in Christ. Thus, this offering may be viewed as a large part of Paul's strategy to bring unity to the Jewish and Gentile segments of the Church. It was also a chance to unify the Corinthians themselves, for each member was to contribute, whether rich or poor, according to their ability. It was to be from ALL of the Corinthians. Even the distributors of the offering would be selected by the entire Corinthian Church community.
The second section of the conclusion contains Paul's remarks about his own travel plans along with the plans of Timothy, Apollos, and Stephanas. Paul, writing from Ephesus, alerted them to the fact that he wasn't going to be sailing straight to Achaia, but rather would be travelling by land through Macedonia before visiting them. But for now, he was staying in Ephesus (on the other side of the Aegean Sea from Greece) until Pentecost b/c the door for ministry was wide open. Paul did, however, want to visit the Corinthians for an extended time. Timothy, it seems, was possibly going to visit the Corinthians. Paul wanted him to be treated well and with due respect. Apollos had been adviced (by Paul) to visit the Corinthians, but was unwilling at this point. Paul expected Apollos to visit at some point in the future. Stephanas, Fortunatus & Achaicus were from Achaia (souther Greece) but had visited Paul (perhaps with updates on the church that provided content for this letter). Now they were returning to the Corinthians and Paul considers them worthy of submission
Finally, Paul sends greetings for the churches in the province of Asia (including Ephesus, where he was writing from). Paul confirms his authorship of the letter by writing signature with his own hand. In Aramaic, he curses any who do not love the Lord and says Maranatha (come, Lord!).
16:5-18 Travel Updates
16:19-24 Farewell
This final section of Paul's letter consists of information about the collection being taken up for the church in Jerusalem, updates on travel plans of Paul and the brothers, and some final greetings.
The purpose of the collection may have been two-fold. First, by having a largely Gentile church give free-will offerings to the largely (or exclusively) Jewish church, Paul was hoping that the Gentile church would recognize the important role of Judaism within the Christian faith. Second, by having the Jewish church of Jerusalem receive free-will offerings from the largely Gentiles churches around the world, Paul was hoping the Jewish Christians would have their hearts warmed and consider the Gentile Christians truly their brothers and sisters in Christ. Thus, this offering may be viewed as a large part of Paul's strategy to bring unity to the Jewish and Gentile segments of the Church. It was also a chance to unify the Corinthians themselves, for each member was to contribute, whether rich or poor, according to their ability. It was to be from ALL of the Corinthians. Even the distributors of the offering would be selected by the entire Corinthian Church community.
The second section of the conclusion contains Paul's remarks about his own travel plans along with the plans of Timothy, Apollos, and Stephanas. Paul, writing from Ephesus, alerted them to the fact that he wasn't going to be sailing straight to Achaia, but rather would be travelling by land through Macedonia before visiting them. But for now, he was staying in Ephesus (on the other side of the Aegean Sea from Greece) until Pentecost b/c the door for ministry was wide open. Paul did, however, want to visit the Corinthians for an extended time. Timothy, it seems, was possibly going to visit the Corinthians. Paul wanted him to be treated well and with due respect. Apollos had been adviced (by Paul) to visit the Corinthians, but was unwilling at this point. Paul expected Apollos to visit at some point in the future. Stephanas, Fortunatus & Achaicus were from Achaia (souther Greece) but had visited Paul (perhaps with updates on the church that provided content for this letter). Now they were returning to the Corinthians and Paul considers them worthy of submission
Finally, Paul sends greetings for the churches in the province of Asia (including Ephesus, where he was writing from). Paul confirms his authorship of the letter by writing signature with his own hand. In Aramaic, he curses any who do not love the Lord and says Maranatha (come, Lord!).