Is the OT God a monster?
The Question
Many non-Christians think Jesus was a pretty nice guy, but have a real problem with the God of the Old Testament. They hear/read stories of God telling Abraham to sacrifice his son or of God sending a worldwide flood and take from them that the OT God is a terrible character. Is it true?
The Answer
Most often, two issues exist with the person who accuses the OT God of being a terrible character. First, they usually have not understood the supposedly incriminating OT accounts and missed the broader message. Second, they think they have the right to judge God, when the reality is the reverse.
God’s actions in the OT must be understood correctly before they can be judged fairly. We don’t have space to respond to every popular accusation against God’s actions in the OT, but we can say that a careful reading of the Abraham/Isaac story (Genesis 22) reveals that God had no intention of having Abraham sacrifice Isaac. Anyone who takes the time to read the entire Old Testament finds that God is good, just, merciful, patient, loving, gracious, etc.
Most accusations against God’s actions in the OT assume that God has the same set of rights and limitations as we do. But God is the Creator and owner of all. God has the right to judge rebels. God has the right to punish His children. God has the right to end a life because all life belongs to God.