The Circuit Riding Prophet
Samuel the Seer:
Part 3 The Circuit Riding Prophet
Successful Circuit (7:13-17)
Bethel/Gilgal/Mizpah (about 40 miles roundtrip)
Unsuccessful Succession (8:1-5a)
We don't know why his kids were bad (possible that his grandson "Heman" wrote some Psalms)
Cry for a King (8:5b-12:25)
1. B/c your sons are bad!
2. B/c other nations have them
3. B/c they wanted 1 central leader (9:20)
4. B/c they wanted someone to fight their battles for them (9:20)
What a king will do...
1. Take your kids for government service (8:11-13)
2. Take the best land for government use (8:14)
3. Take your money for government use (8:15-17)
You won't like it! (v. 18)
Samuel told to anoint Saul (9:15-10:16)
Saul's initial successes (10:17-11:15)
Samuel's farewell speech (12:1-25)
- His innocense 1-5
- Israel's history 6-11
- Israel's bad request 12-19 (since they already had a King!)
- Israel's only hope 20-25
Part 3 The Circuit Riding Prophet
Successful Circuit (7:13-17)
Bethel/Gilgal/Mizpah (about 40 miles roundtrip)
Unsuccessful Succession (8:1-5a)
We don't know why his kids were bad (possible that his grandson "Heman" wrote some Psalms)
Cry for a King (8:5b-12:25)
1. B/c your sons are bad!
2. B/c other nations have them
3. B/c they wanted 1 central leader (9:20)
4. B/c they wanted someone to fight their battles for them (9:20)
What a king will do...
1. Take your kids for government service (8:11-13)
2. Take the best land for government use (8:14)
3. Take your money for government use (8:15-17)
You won't like it! (v. 18)
Samuel told to anoint Saul (9:15-10:16)
Saul's initial successes (10:17-11:15)
Samuel's farewell speech (12:1-25)
- His innocense 1-5
- Israel's history 6-11
- Israel's bad request 12-19 (since they already had a King!)
- Israel's only hope 20-25
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